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Magnum Accy - Tachometer Bin 213U


Only 3 left in stock

SKU: MGF-602-HS Category: Tags: ,


Tachometer - Accurately measure the RPM of your engine.  Uses an optic sensor to read the rpm.

Key Features

  • Works with 2 and 3 blade propellers (for 4 blade, just use the 2 blade setting and then divide by two.
  • Easy operation
  • MUST be used in sunlight.


Our tachometer uses proven technology and has been a staple in our tote box for decades. KNOW what your engine is doing. See real peak rpm. When people say tune it on the ground to 200rpm rich of peak", you can verify you've really set it that way. It is essential when tuning SH Gas engines. Uses a standard, affordable, 9v battery. (Included).

Remember, for safety, ALWAYS measure from BEHIND the spinning propeller. Safety is up to the user.


About Mike Goes Flying

MikeGoesFlying is an RC Hobby retail website built and maintained by the Greenshields family. With 3 generations of modelers, our passion to the hobby had evolved to include supplying hobby goods to our fellow modelers.
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