GF-9 (9cc/.55c.i.)
Glow Ignition Gasoline Engine
In 2019, the SH R&D team began developing the 9cc gasoline engine as a drop-in replacement for the typical .46ci size engine, designed to give superior reliability while using more affordable and commonly available gasoline.
To deliver consistent fuel flow in all flight attitudes, the SH team developed an easy-to-operate constant pressure pump fuel circuit designed around a crankcase-pressure driven adjustable fuel pump.
Today, we offer you our first pulse-type constant pressure pump system. Each 9cc gasoline engine includes this constant pressure pump system as standard feature.
- Suitable for all 2-stroke .40-.55 size model aircrafts on the market.
The GF9 uses the SH Engines Glow Plug GT04 (#SEG040)
Use a mixture of 91 or 92 Octane gasoline and SH specified 2-cycle oil.
Oil Requirement: Required gasoline/oil ratio is no less than oil than 24:1, roughly around 4.0%
Displacement: 8.983c.c
Bore: 22.3mm
Stroke: 23mm
RPM: 12000
Power: 1.65HP @ 12000rpm
Engine Wt: 436g
Muffler Wt: 103g
Propeller: 11x7 or 12x6
SH Engines are made in Taiwan
Included: Engine with carburetor, exhaust muffler, locking prop nut and jam nut, one-way valves, t-joint filter/overflow, qty2-one-way-valve, pressure pump, turbo-style glow plug.
Required: 12x6 or 11x7 propeller (use with ALL safety precautions, propellers are dangerous), gasoline and enough synthetic two-stroke oil to create a 24:1 mix, glowplug connector (note 1/4-turn lock connectors will not fit) with power source (1.5v), gasoline compatible fuel line, 6oz fuel tank that is gasoline compatible.
Recommended: We tune the gasoline engines to specific rpm, thus we highly recommend a tachometer, Electric starter. It makes starting much easier and faster.
All SH Engines are supported with parts right here at
Exhaust off to fit the muffler - MGF-130 10mm